During the project we have done four mobilities. In the first one teachers travelled to Catalonia to coordinate all the project and do some workshops. The other three mobilities were pupils and teachers who travelled.

Teachers’ mobility

May 31st until June 2nd teachers of the three schools participating in the project meet in ZER Baix Camp Sud (Catalonia) in order to coordinate all the activities and ensure the adequate planning, implementation and follow-up. We have concrete tasks of each member, prepare eTwinning and the web page, all the outcomes, make common accounts and users for the apps we are going to use, create materials that we will use, exchange information about the different national school systems of each country, prepare the netiquette workshop and do an eTwinning and 2.0 tools workshop. We also visit the area after school time.

Greece mobility

Between the 16th and 21st of October 22 students and teachers from School Font de l’Arc and Ahmet Yesevi Ilkokulu visit our friends from 1st Primary school of Glyka Nera in Greece. There were wonderful and useful days.

1st day: We arrive at Greece!

The adventure begins! Finally, we travel to Greece to share a few days with our Greek and Turkish colleagues.

The flight left Barcelona airport on time and we were in Greece before two o’clock. After settling in the hotel, we were walking around Pallini while we waited for our colleagues from Turkey.

We had a typical Greek dinner and went to bed tired after a day of many emotions

2nd day: First contact with school and workmates

Today we met the school of Glyka Nera, a school of about 300 students who were excitedly waiting for us.

They showed us around the school and we received some presents.

Then, together with the 6th grade students of the Glyka Nera school and our Turkish colleagues, we went by bus to the “Vorres museum”, an open-air museum where we saw a garden with different ecosystems while relating the house, the traditional and sustainable way of living, taking advantage of the elements of the nearby nature.

There we were received by the City Council’s culture and education councillors and invited to a cooler.

We went back to school and after lunch with our new friends we played while working with materials and recycling.

It has been a profitable day and our boss is already starting to speak in English. Let’s start to learn some words in Greek.

3rd day: Working together!

We started the day by visiting the library of Agia Paraskevi. The library space was donated to the city by the painter Kontopoulos. We visited the museum space of the painter’s house and in the library the librarian explained to us the meaning of the word biblio (book) and teca (case) which refers to the ancient papyrus books that were kept in a kind of case . He also told us about the beginning of scrolls and the organisation of libraries.

On our way out we visited the Orthodox church of Santa Paraskevi.

At school, we worked in international groups making a model of a sustainable house,  which is the culmination of the scientific work related to the story of the Three Little Pigs that we carried out during the first year of the project.

 After lunch, the 6th grade students of the school did a shadow theatre representing the story of the Three Little Pigs in English and Greek and then invited us to perform it in Catalan. We chatted a lot!

To end the day we went to Rafina, a town on the coast, for dinner.

Another round and profitable day.

4th day: Visit Athens

Today we travelled to the city of Athens. To begin with, we visited the Acropolis, one of the most important architectural complexes of ancient Greece. Together with the guide, we were able to learn about the history of the Parthenon, the temple of Athena Nike, the caryatids… We also visited the Acropolis museum, where we were able to learn more about these constructions and various cultural aspects of this civilization

After lunch in the center of Athens, we walked through its most historic streets (Thisio, Plaka, Monastiraki) where we were able to buy some souvenirs.

It’s been a fantastic day!

5th day: Finish our sustainable house

This is over. Last day at school we took the opportunity to finish the tasks on the sustainable house that we have been doing these days. As you can see, it looked very nice on us.

Before lunch we went to the forest near the school to build houses with materials we found. We also played a game of catching the 3 little pigs.

In the afternoon we went as tourists to Glyka Nera.

As a farewell, AMPA and the families of the school have prepared a party with a pica pica with food from the country. Before the party, a farewell was held with educational and local authorities where all the work done during the mobility was presented.

We also took the opportunity to make final evaluations of the stay.

6th day: Say goodbye!

Time to go. It has been a few days full of emotions and shared work. We felt very welcome and accompanied. We made new friends.

We have realised that despite being from distant countries, boys and girls are the same and have the same way of seeing and understanding school and that as teachers, we understand education in a similar way. We shared ways of doing things and organising, we got to know different languages, different foods… In other words, we LEARNED!

Thank you to everyone who made this experience possible.