Do you want to contact us? Here you can find data about the participant schools in the project.


In this section you can find the language, science and other extra activities we have done to develop the project.


During the project we have done four mobilities. In the first one teachers travelled to Catalonia to coordinate all the project and do some workshops. The other three mobilities were pupils and teachers who travelled.


This magazine is the final result of the project. It includes articles made by pupils and teachers in which explain all the activities, evaluations, mobililities… that we did.


In order to disseminate the project we have done different activities: explain the project to authorities, be in the social media, publish articles in newspapers, Erasmus+ corner, use the eTwinning space, do meetings and conferences to families, participate in fairs. We also have the eTwinning quality label for the project.


Students and teachers have done some workshops in order to improve knowledges and methodologies.


Our work in the Erasmus + project “New magazine: Science in stories for kids” has produced good results. We are very excited to communicate you that we have obtained some awards.